Resting with the Shepherd
"He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." -Isaiah 40:11
There are so many scriptures throughout the Bible that refer to God as a good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd cares for, guides, feeds, and shields His sheep. We can find so much peace when we remember that our Shepherd watches over us and is providing for us. In Him, we have everything we need.
If the symbol of a Shepherd paints a perfect picture of our God, then the sheep become a picture for us as His followers. Sheep are dependent animals. Though they aren't dumb they do have a tendency to easily wander and eat things that aren't good for them. They need their Shepherd to keep them safe, to guide them to good places, and show them where to eat from.
Sheep are also not load-bearing animals. They weren't made to carry a great weight, and neither are you. You were not made to carry the burdens of this world on your own. So cast your cares on Him. Let Him give you rest. Lay down in green pastures, drink from the quiet waters and trust that your Shepherd is taking care of you.
20x24" Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas